Deckchairs and Chaise Longue



Fiberglass Chaise Longue



Unique fiberglass chaise longue

White Fibreglass Chaise Longue Suitable For Intensive Use Both Outdoors And Indoors. Anatomical Shape Perfect For Maximum Comfort With Dimensions 178x71x91 Cm. Very Uv Resistant And Easy To Clean And Maintain.

    Request information
    • Chaise longue in fiberglass excellent for inserting in any environmental context.
    • white chaise longue excellent for all environments, both outdoor and indoor.
    • high quality and long-lasting chaise longue.
    • chaise longue design easy to clean and sanitize.
    • high quality fiberglass sun lounger at an unbeatable price.

    Fiberglass Chaise Longue

    Sined Venere Fiberglass Chaise Longue Anatomical Shape Perfect For Maximum Comfort White

    Finally a white chaise longue in fiberglass excellent quality at a low price. Exclusive design and materials. Order it by phone now!
    Find out more
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